Posts Tagged ‘graduate school of business’

We have always been fascinated by ideas. That’s why we are building Cognician – an application and a platform that makes using powerful ideas as easy as clicking on a mouse. By using ideas, we don’t mean just thinking about things. We mean putting ideas to use to do things. What kinds of things? More on that later.

Since December 2006, Barry and I have been working in some way or another on Cognician. Although the love of ideas is in our DNA, Cognician properly began life as a seminar that Barry created for UCT’s graduate school of business on critical and creative thinking. When we decided to turn the content of that seminar into software, we realised that we were creating a platform for the delivery of many kinds of content. The platform and the application evolved into what we now call, Cognician: the original thinking guide.

So how does it work? What does it do? Who is it for? What will it do for you? Until we release Cognician, and for some time after, this blog will answer all these questions and more. We hope you enjoy reading it and we look forward to hearing your thoughts.